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Innovate 2016: Still free, still schmoozey, and as you'll see from our presentation schedule, still packed with inspiration for educators at all levels of learning tech savvy. Our curated lineup of creative and courageous presenters includes:
Featured Speakers
Our keynote Bonnie Stewart is one of several inspiring speakers you can catch on the Innovate stage this year. Reshan Richards will be sharing stories problem solving through design and entrepreneurialism. As co-founder of Explain Everything, we think he knows a thing or two about this topic. Then Alan November will make you think about how to equip your students to discern quality information from the expansive resource that is the internet. He can even teach you how to help students use Google for good instead of evil.
Cool Tools
You asked for pragmatic applications of real solutions you could use in your own class. We're very excited to offer three Cool Tools breakout sessions in this year's conference. From the free and homegrown to the fancy and robust, these tools solve common problems in teaching and learning with tech.
Idea Showcase
Goodbye, posters! Hello Idea Showcase. Three inventive ideas for technology in education will be shared in fast-paced, back-to-back presentations. Then you can chat with the presenters who appeal to you, exploring the possibilities of using their technique in your own work. Sound familiar? It's kind of like if Steal My Idea and Faculty Showcase had a baby.
and a Surprise Finale Event!
We're ironing out the details for our finale event. More information will arrive in your inbox soon. In the meantime, check out our presentation schedule and grab your spot for the 2016 Innovate conference.
We apologize in advance for the many difficult decisions you'll have to make when building your itinerary. The good news? We gauge your interest to guesstimate how much space each session needs, but you can always change your mind.