Bonnie Stewart
Dr. Bonnie Stewart is a leader in digital pedagogies and technologies, with a strong focus on digitally networked and institutional practices. She was involved with Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) during their early days in Canada, is a founding member of the provincial Learning Partners Advisory Council for PEI, and was co-Program Chair of #dLRN15 at Stanford University, from which the Society for Social & Narrative Research (#SoNAR) is currently emerging. She consults with school systems and higher ed institutions to improve their digital strategies, and has spoken at numerous workshops and conferences across North America, Europe, and the Middle East. Additionally, Stewart acts as Coordinator of Adult Teaching at the University of Prince Edward Island, where she directs professional education and career development initiatives for adult education programs. She teaches courses in communications, technologies, adult education, and digital pedagogies, and has been an instructor of online and hybrid higher ed courses since the 1990s.