Spellbreaker (breath engine): An Interactive Art System

Cartoon Room

Spellbreaker (breath engine) is an interactive art system using black walnut ink as a data visualization for carbon dioxide. It is the culmination of work and research for a 2017 TechHub Student Project Grant.

Spellbreaker (breath engine) aims to engage viewers outside of a gallery setting. Exhibiting at events such as the Chadwick Arboretum and Learning Gardens Arboblitz Tree Planting, and The STEAM Factory's Franklinton Friday focused on Food and Sustainability were perfect opportunities to interact with a broad audience. Participants speak into a handblown glass globe that has a carbon dioxide sensor affixed to the opposite end. When the CO2 of the viewers' breath is detected, the sensor triggers a peristaltic pump which begins releasing black walnut ink which will flow through a tube, down an exhaust pipe and into a carved wooden basin. The viewer is then invited to take an exhibition booklet with more information about the project onto which they capture a drip as record of their breath.
